Saylani Mass IT Programing

List of available courses

Data Structures Topics

  1. Array
  2. Linked List
  3. Stacks
  4. Queues
  5. Trees
  6. Graphs

General Stores Booking

Stores Booking List

  1. Mashallah General stor
    1. Life Boy saop
    2. Lux Saop
  2. Super general store
    1. Eva Oil
    2. Baspati Rice
      • Baspati Rice 10kg 5 packs
      • Baspati Rice 5kg 2 packs
        • Baspati Mughal Rice
        • Baspati Flag Rice
    3. Surf Excel
  3. Senen86 General store

Nested List

  1. Chocolates
  2. Games
  3. Fruit

Nested Unorder List

Saylani Mass IT Courses List

Olampic Game

  1. Fruits
    1. Mango
    2. Orange
  2. Vegetables
    1. Cabbage
    2. Capsicum
      1. Green capsicum
      2. Yellow capsicum
      3. Red Capsicum
  3. Chocolate

  4. Quiz

    1. HTML is an _______ ?
      1. Markup language
      2. Programming Language
      3. None of these
    2. CSS is used for
      1. Styling
      2. scripting
      3. None of these
    3. Which of the following is dynamic from of HTML?
      1. XML
      2. DHTML
      3. None of these
    4. Which of the following can be linked with HTML and CSS ?
      1. javascript
      2. C++
      3. None of these